Admission FAQs
Q: Can residents have a television, phone and/or internet in their room?
Q: What are the meal choices?
Q: Are special diets available?
Q: Can residents keep their own family physicians?
Q: Do you offer physiotherapy and rehabilitation services?
Q: When are visiting hours?
Q: Are there rules about vacation and leaves from the Home?
On the day of admission, it is important to bring copies of any Power of Attorney/Statutory Guardian papers, the resident’s Health Card, a copy of their most recent Notice of Assessment from Revenue Canada and a void cheque. If the resident is moving into the home from a community setting you will need to bring all medications. You will want to bring clothing that is comfortable and machine washable. Generally, a two (2) week supply of clothing is sufficient. You will also want to include enough clothing appropriate for the various seasons and different weather conditions. For a complete list of recommended clothing to bring, click here. You are also asked to bring any specialty toiletries, such as makeup and hair products. People are encouraged to bring items such as pictures, artwork, gifts and other memorabilia to give their room a personal touch. We will ensure that the personal items are appropriate and safe for the room and that any electrical items are approved by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).
Q: Can residents have a television, phone and/or internet in their room?
Televisions, radios, telephones and computers are welcomed in all of our rooms. It is the resident or family’s responsibility to provide each device and contact a service provider to setup the service to the room. If the resident is already subscribed to any of these services, you will simply need to have the provider transfer the existing service to their room in the Home. They may even be able to keep their current phone number. Ask the service provider for details. Cell phones and wireless internet are permitted in the Home.
Q: What are the meal choices?
Q: Are special diets available?
Q: Can residents keep their own family physicians?
Residents are assigned an Attending Physician at the time of admission based on the Home area where the resident will be living. Although it is not mandatory, we encourage residents to take on the Physician provided by the Home to ensure good communication of health information, and to allow for on-site accessibility. Residents may retain their own Family Physician from the community if the Physician is willing to comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Long Term Care (MLTC).
Q: Do you offer physiotherapy and rehabilitation services?
Banwell Gardens offers a range of physiotherapy and rehabilitation services. There are also alternative therapies and restorative care programs available. Each new resident is assessed to determine an appropriate physiotherapy regime shortly after admission. Our objective is to maintain and restore residents’ current abilities and strengths through a variety of physical programs designed to meet individual needs.
Q: When are visiting hours?
Q: Are there rules about vacation and leaves from the Home?